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Setting Intentions With Tarot (Guide)

Setting Intentions With Tarot featured

You need clear intentions in order to adjust your reality according to your vision. But how can we do this? I know this can be very hard to do as some of us do not have the resilience and the clarity of mind to formulate a plan. But tarot cards won’t let us down! Setting intentions with tarot cards may be the one thing that can change ourselves and our lives forever! Let’s see how we can do this.

The secret to a perfect life

I’ll tell you a secret: if you want your dreams to come true you must first have the courage to dream. Above all, you must not be ashamed of living according to the principles that your essence dictates.

So, the first big difficulty you may encounter is understanding the importance of what you want.

When we ask someone: “what do you want?”, the first five or six answers are always about what you have to want, never what you really want.

Only later does one enter the intimate sphere of connection with one’s Self.

Once this connection begins, it is equally important to create a constructive thinking pattern.

The self-help industry teaches us that a positive mindset is what it takes to build, or at least start practicing, the life we want.

But is it really enough?

Often, everything that others do seems simple while our true desires are clouded by fears that hold us back from realizing them. Let us remember that it is possible to learn to know what one wants. We therefore remove the fear of failure and the need to conform to social expectations. Perhaps, in reality, we are not aiming for a real deep desire; certain feelings such as jealousy or envy can deceive us and can give rise to false desires in us. We may want to get rich just for having dated more affluent people, but if you think about it, you may notice other problems related to this situation. Perhaps it is better to live in simplicity. To see clearly, it is therefore necessary to know oneself. This allows us not only to hook on to our true desires but also to put in place all the tools to reach them without betraying them.
To get in full contact with ourselves, we need to slow down the pace. Turn off your mobile phone, don’t turn on your computer, relax by thinking intensely about the present moment, making the mind empty. It’s not easy! We should all dedicate five minutes a day to this exercise, focusing our attention on a part of our body or on breathing. When you reach maximum relaxation, you ask yourself: “What is really important to me in life?”. You should note down everything that comes to mind, without reflecting and above all without judging thoughts.

Then we can compare all our answers to one another by thinking: “Between having A and not B or vice versa, what do I prefer?”. You can practice this by listing the best memories, the moments in life where we felt satisfied and happy, free, in harmony with ourselves. The list will narrow little by little and what is left is what really matters. We have therefore synthesized our deep desires which all our energy can focus on.

I’ll explain.

If we want to set intentions with tarot, it is not enough to approach the situation with an open mind, even if it would help a lot.

What needs to be done is to start understanding what goals we want to achieve.

Do you want to find love? Do you want an ex back? Do you want to earn more money? Do you want to change your life but you don’t know how?


What do you need to achieve this goal?

Tarot cards can give you an in-depth insight on what you truly want. Therefore, you can set a specific intention! You are going to accomplish those goals and achieve those dreams you know you deserve!

Also read: How To Become a Confident Tarot Reader (Explained)

Setting intentions spread

And now take your Tarot deck.

Let’s see how the Arcana can help us to better frame our goal and, importantly, how to achieve it.


So, assuming that you understand what you want, let’s work on how to get it.

Here is a seven-card tarot spread to set your intentions. This spread that can outline a real path on which you can move.

This spread is going to show you:

  1.  Where am I at right now?
  2.  What’s my one true goal?
  3.  Are you really sure this goal is for you? Or are you dreaming too small and can you dare to want more?
  4.  How to take the first steps
  5.  and 6. blockages and obstacles, both internal and external, which can slow down or even wreck your attempts;
  6.  How to overcome those blockages and obstacles and finally get your dream life.

I guarantee you that despite the fact that 7 cards are drawn, the energies remain fluid.

The spread is pleasant and is a powerful way to bring clarity within you.

The seventh card can be pulled over the fifth and sixth or between the blocks (5 and 6) and your target (2).

That’s all.

Now go and reveal your intentions with this spread!

Also read: Tarot Spreads For Beginners (My Recommendations)

What’s next?

Write the answers down and use the information tarot cards gave you to set a concrete intention and start making the very first steps in the direction tarot cards want you to go. You are going to see amazing results!

Magickal Blessings,
Mystic Amber