The High Priestess Tarot Card is one of those feminine cards that are very deep in meaning and symbolism. Diving into this card will give you the chance to learn more about yourself, your life path, while getting to know your Tarot Card deck and your reading in a new way. You will see how this card can be a strong reminder to be true to yourself.
Let’s learn more about The High Priestess Tarot Card meaning, symbolism, and what does it mean in the upright and reversed position.
The High Priestess Tarot Card description
The High Priestess Tarot Card represents the priestess of mystery or of female knowledge, respected and favored in ancient times, as the way of intuition and the heart, before religion and culture turned towards a more active, masculine search. She is marked by reason and not to clairvoyance and secrecy.
Under her purple and blue cloak, the colors of spirituality and wisdom, the image of the cosmic Great Mother is hidden, the Earth, known and adored by the ancient cults under the name of Isis, Diana, Ishtar, Sequana.
The High Priestess, who is symbolically connected to the Moon, which regulates emotion and clairvoyance, is the lady of the nocturnal, initiatory, and, for this reason, precluded knowledge to the majority.
The Card is of a priestess seated on a stone throne.
The figure is between two pillars. On the black pillar, there is the letter B, while on the white one the letter J. Behind her, a curtain obscures the view of a landscape, in which we see the water. At her feet is a Crescent Moon.
Her robe is of a soft blue and white color. In her lap, she is holding a scroll bearing the word TORA. Her headdress is composed of a central circle and two lateral sickles. On her chest, we see a cross. The scene gives a soothing and calming feeling, even if the High Priestess wants us to acknowledge her authority and majesty.
It is a beautiful card to see.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning – Upright
When the High Priestess card appears upright or occupies a favorable position, it fully achieves its beneficial meanings. However, the success and completeness ensured by the card, does not concern itself so much in the material plane of existence, but rather the inner growth and the issues of the spirit.
It represents everything that grows slowly through a profound process of transformation and silence.
The High Priestess, in the divinatory interpretation, represents cognitive potential, intuition and deduction together with analysis of the depth and by analogy also psychoanalysis, obliges an inner work. It represents a female figure, that does not adapt to a subordinate role, as it has a large male polarity within it, therefore it does not undergo a passive attitude.
It is also the knowledge of others and ourselves, unveiling the mysteries, great dedication, constancy in the works undertaken. Also, reflection, faith, objectivity, and patience.
On the emotional level
The relationship, as a couple, promises to be serene and constructive, although not very expansive. In the life of the consultant, there is a strong and wise person, capable of helping them to overcome any difficulty.
It can signal a long-desired marriage and family harmony. Plus, the High Priestess with her femininity recalls a sense of fertility and stability.
Professional plan
Wait and plan your choices. It’s not the right time to take action or to dive into a brand-new project, with no clear intentions or plans. Hold on.
Indicates the female presence capable of providing help and valid advice. The consultant, if they are a woman, the person loved by the consultant, if it is a man. It can indicate a mistress, a business partner, a spiritual teacher, an older sister, or a partner, especially if she is older and wiser than the consultant.
A teacher, a midwife, a gynecologist, a religious woman, an occult professional. Typically, a woman in her 40s and 50s.

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning – Reversed
All negative aspects of confidentiality and silence are condensed in the arcane of the reversed High Priestess. Secret mishaps, annoyances, and unwise experiences. The depth turns into superficiality, the patience waiting lazily and inconclusive.
Refusal of knowledge, a denial of the active female part, problems with a maternal figure, too masculine, fear of women, sadness, carelessness, fear of facing the unknown.
The predominance of the passive part of oneself, presumption due to a false knowledge of oneself, grudges, hypocrisy, or revenge.
On the emotional level
If you are in a relationship, and you are going through a period of crisis, due to lack of communication. Your partner does not feel loved, it is necessary to strive ahead and learn to manifest their feelings more clearly. Small disappointments, betrayals, conflicts with the Mother, the sister, a friend, or a colleague.
Professional plan
A project that is undergoing a setback. Deceptions put in place by colleagues or fellow students. This card is a reminder to stay on track, be patient, and hold on while waiting for better times to light your way and your professional life.
Be careful, this reversed card wants you to know a positive female presence only in appearance, but, gossipy, unreliable, and determined to get in the way. A rival, an enemy, a woman who plots to put the consultant in a bad light. An envious colleague, a cheating partner, a changeable and moody friend, to whom never reveal secrets, especially if they are jealous and no longer young.
The High Priestess Tarot Card – Psychic revelation
This card represents the power of intuition and occult knowledge. Her power comes from the Moon and water, her wisdom allows her to see hidden things and predict the future. The High Priestess does not act on the material level but on the deepest level of the psyche.
She is calm and detached, she knows how to wait for the right time to act, her inner purity allows her not to be contaminated by negative emotions.
The High Priestess Tarot Card’s psychic revelation, wants you to know that with the right mindset, you can dive into a brand new level, to unveil your knowledge and your wisdom, even more to let them guide your life path.
Short advice from the High Priestess Card
Detach yourself from events of your life and observe them. Ask yourself, what mysteries lie behind current situations? Hide your secrets from others. Stay alone. Stay away from the crowd. Study the occult arts. Follow your intuition. Look beyond appearances.
Observe your unconsciousness, by studying your dreams. Be patient. Act internally rather than externally. Purify your body, your emotions, and your thoughts.
Get back into school. Dive into new interests, studying what triggers your intuition and your passion.
Read a book that helps you better understand yourself and the universe around you.
Keep a diary of your dreams.
Disclaimer: The deck used as a reference is a traditional Raider Waite Tarot Card deck.