We all have a soulmate, someone who is the right one, the perfect match to create a happy healthy relationship with. But did you know that each zodiac sign has a specific correspondent sign considered to be the perfect match? Let’s see then who Taurus’s soulmate is and how tarot cards can help you know more about your soulmate and how to bring him/her into your life.
Who is Taurus’s soulmate?
Taurus’s perfect match is someone true to his heart and faithful. Plus, of all the signs of the zodiac, it is perhaps the one that most detests psychological contortions, the constant pulling and letting go, and, in general, everything that undermines his deep need for serenity.
Taurus does not like to complicate life; he has a genuine soul and aspires to the beautiful and simple things of the world. Taurus is monogamous and reliable, and once engaged in a relationship, it is difficult to question it.
Taurus + Cancer

This is another strong pair at the top of the list. These are two people who are practical and realistic. A couple who thinks about their future. A couple who does not make choices without consulting the other first. A couple who seldom fight but sit and talk about everything. It is a rare relationship with a Taurus in which he is calm. But something about Cancer makes it so.
Taurus + Capricorn

These two are the definition of a power couple. Individuals who are firm alone, but together they make each other better. It’s the kind of relationship in which they immediately understand that it will work.
Taurus + Aquarius

A Taurus is stubborn and loves to have things his way. In the beginning, these two people could meet and hate each other. But over time, this dislike becomes infatuation because it is now a battle for power for those who are making the next move. They love to challenge each other.
And while the other doesn’t admit how much they care, once they like each other and know each other, they don’t even need to say these things. That’s how each sign likes it because neither of them is good at clearly saying what they feel.
Before we continue
I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced tarot reader such as myself and allow me to help you with guidance and ideas on what paths are best for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer your questions about relationships, marriage, exes, soulmates, and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
Professional Love Tarot Reading
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How does Taurus love?
For Taurus, love rhymes with confidence. Those born under this sign express their affection clearly, with direct and concrete gestures, and expect their partner to do the same. The relationship is seen as a serious commitment, within which to express one’s dedication, but also as a form of guarantee.
For them, love must ensure stability and continuity. Their idea is that a relationship cannot be based on abstract fantasies and ideals, but, on the contrary, must rest on solid foundations.
Not that they also do not have a romantic spirit, quite the opposite; this romanticism must, however, pass through the five senses, and has a lot to do with what can be seen and touched, but also smelled, tasted, and heard. Long and intense kisses, slow caresses, hot baths, and scented candles, aphrodisiac foods with intoxicating aromas, soft sheets of the finest silk, and so on.
All that flatters the senses is for them authentic nectar from Heaven. Taurus loves above all else with the body.
For them, love is something that must be transformed into tangible matter, they need to feel their partner’s warm and pulsating flesh under their hands and do not handle long periods of distance particularly well, because for them the relationship must be lived in a daily way.
Since they tend to believe only in what they can experience directly if the partner is not physically present for them it is as if he/she were not there at all. Long-distance relationships, or those in which, for whatever reason, you only meet a couple of times a month, are not for them. They’re unable to use the imagination to make up for an absence.
Sex is a primary and imperative requirement, and many Tauruses consider it a determining factor for the success of a relationship. They often prefer to rely on body language rather than words.
Let’s not forget that the ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet symbol of the Pleasure Principle; It is precisely from this word, pleasure, that we must start to understand the nature of the sign, and we must understand it in the most elementary meaning possible: “I am attracted to what makes me feel good and I reject what causes me to feel unwell.”
This conception of life obviously also extends to the relationship of a couple, which focuses on obtaining mutual well-being and denies, sometimes selectively and arbitrarily, any element upsetting a state of placid peace. It is not uncommon for a Taurus to categorically refuse to become aware of those uncomfortable factors that could destroy the status quo, persisting in looking the other way, and denying the evidence.
Here we are at the first shadow side of the Taurus: they hate changes, hate upheavals, and tend to a certain monotony. They are also extremely jealous, possessive, and highly territorial: “What I love is mine” is one of the main things a Taurus would say about their partner and this makes them unlikely to be willing to forgive a cheater partner.
If this happens, their reaction will be relentless: they are as constant in showing love as they are adamant in revoking it, once the sign has passed.
It will take them a long time for things to return to normal and their confidence is difficult to regain.
For them, things are as they are and are revealed in the facts; it is therefore extremely unlikely that they will believe in justifications involving various oedipal traumas, existential torments, or sudden boils of the unconscious: these things simply do not exist.