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What Tarot Card Represents Sagittarius? (Explained)

What Tarot Card represents Sagittarius featured

Are you a Sagittarius and do you want to learn more about your zodiac sign? This is your chance to learn the tarot way! In this article we’ll learn what tarot card represents Sagittarius and how to use it to make the most of the main characteristics of your zodiac sign!

What Tarot Card represents Sagittarius?

The Tarot Card representing Sagittarius is Temperance. The eighth card (VIII) of the Major Arcana set.

How does this Tarot Card represent Sagittarius?

This tarot card represents Sagittarius as people under this sign are sincere, honest and open to embrace the spiritual side of their lives.

Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

Temperance is often represented with wings to remind us of its role, as an angel, as messenger of the Gods. In this sense, Temperance is often the bearer of news, mostly good, or that in any case will turn out to be positive for our good. It may be news that comes from outside, but it is news that we are the ones to learn, and that unfold different levels of choice for us. In short, we will not have to “suffer” because of this news, but we will decide whether to act or not, depending on what we will become aware of. It can also represent the awareness of a situation, the change of mind about a topic, influenced in a decisive way by another person (often a person who is highly esteemed). In this case, the transfer of water between the two vessels represents the inspiration, the suggestion with which beliefs and opinions are transmitted from one subject to another. The main meaning of the card of Temperance, however, remains that of balance, in particular of inner balance. It can be both an indication that the situation is destined to find a positive balance, and it can represent an indication to act to find the right balance.

The tarot card’s symbolism

A huge angel pours the liquid contained one jug to another. The figure of Temperance is well known throughout classical art. As the wine was diluted with water, so the Temperance pours the liquid from one of the jugs, putting it in the other. For many esotericists, this card is the symbol of alchemy, in particular of distillation, the process by which the ignorant conscience of man will be cleaned up, obtaining a pure spirit, ready for initiation and knowledge. You have to find the right balance. The likelihood is that at the moment you are either too caught up in a situation, or others have brought you this far, but you are still too involved in the situation.
The situation, currently unbalanced, is expected to soon evolve into a situation where you can finally find your serenity. A serenity that, among other things, seems destined to last. Important information, which will probably be reported to you by another person and this news will soon help you change your mind about a situation. The change of mind can also be radical, but don’t worry: the Temperance card is almost always positive, so it will be a decidedly positive change of opinion.

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Tarot card’s connection with Sagittarius

It is the tarot that represents harmony, the same that can be seen in the image shown on this card. The angel in the tarot invites people to use great moderation in the choices they make and above all invites them to always maintain the right prudence to avoid running into possible errors. In fact, if you make rash decisions, you risk running into some obstacle to take paths that will not lead us to the serenity we seek. The angel in the tarot therefore also represents a reflection that can lead to prudence. The angel is also the image par excellence used to represent sweetness, which is essential to face the challenges of life, these are the main features of Sagittarius natives! Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are full of confidence, happy, cheerful and very outspoken. They are faithful companions although they are always “with their heads in the clouds”. They have a very active mind, but are prone to distraction, as they lack discipline and don’t like to focus on something for too long. They believe very much in the future; they are generous and it almost seems that they do not fear poverty. They find it difficult to distinguish between “mine” and “yours”, but only because they feel that everyone should share what they have with their fellow men. They are great sportsmen, lovers of animals, and enjoy travel and long walks. Religious and gifted with profound intuition, they enjoy good spiritual work. Common characteristics of the sign are optimism, self-confidence, enthusiasm, vitality, intuition, contempt for danger, independence and wisdom.

How to use the Tarot Card related to Sagittarius?

You can use this tarot card as a totem to attract balance and peace if you are dealing with some hard times. If you are into spiritual activities and practices, you can rely on this card to help you connect in a deeper and more open way. How can you use it as a totem? Simply bring it with you in your purse or in your pocket to attract more balance, self-confidence and wisdom!
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