Are you a Capricorn and you want to learn more about your zodiac sign? This is your chance to make it the tarot way! Learning what tarot card represents Capricorn and how to use it can be a wonderful way to connect with yourself at a higher level!
What Tarot Card represents Capricorn?
The Tarot Card representing Capricorn is The Devil. The fifteenth card (XV) of the Major Arcana set.
How does this Tarot Card represent Capricorn?
The Devil tarot card represents Capricorn natives as they often overthink and obsess over something and they rarely change their ideas and positions. They cannot stand changes, let alone unexpected events, even if they are able to face them with determination.
The Devil Tarot Card Meaning
Despite the different illustrations, the basic scheme of the tarot is always the same: three figures are represented, standing, of which a central one representing the devil, and two lateral ones representing two people, of opposite sex (a man and a woman), facing each other. The two people are linked to the devil by a chain tied around the neck, which symbolizes demonic domination. Both people have horns. The devil is represented as a hermaphrodite, because he has female breasts and male genitals. The head has goat horns, and so also the legs are covered with hair recalling the classic symbolism of the devil. The color is varied: the legs are yellow, the chest is red, the hips are blue and the head is white to symbolize the four elements, powerful forces but not easy to contain. The meaning of the card relates to human passions, which are equally hard to contain and which can go so far as to blind men, pushing him almost to an animal level. The Devil is one of the few tarot cards that indicates a good omen when upside down, while it indicates a worse omen when straight.
The symbolism behind the card
The positive response of the Devil’s card is when the card is reversed. The devil represents a chain, and this chain can be broken and allows you to be guided by your passions, as well as to break an oppressive situation. It is thus possible to find a liberation, but also to resist temptations and find the way not to act “on the gut” in our choices. It is a freedom, but freedom has a price: it is not easy to find one’s way in freedom, and to follow the passions that most lead to successes, but also to failures, in one’s life. The reverse devil also indicates gambling and audacity: a propensity to take risks, to invest, to throw oneself into something new, but also to present an opportunity not to be missed, because such a one may not happen again. It can also indicate the overcoming of an obstacle, understood both in a psychological sense (a “chain for the mind”, a different way of thinking, a problem that cannot be solved), and in a physical sense (overcoming a difficulty, a difficult moment such as a birth or surgery), to which is added professional success, for example of an economic nature. On the emotional level, the reverse devil indicates new and exciting encounters, perhaps an extra-marital relationship, with the constant that everything is based solely on pleasure, charm, attraction, breaking the mold. In this sense, the conquest in love can be caused not by an emotional question, but by one linked to passion, success, money. By connecting this last meaning to the breaking of the chains, the Devil in reverse could mean the breaking of an old relationship that now does not satisfy us, but that in the past we did not have the courage to break.
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Tarot card’s connection with Capricorn
The Devil in the tarot has a different meaning if it is drawn right or if it is drawn backwards. In general, the devil’s card in the tarot indicates the various vices that make man a slave and that for this reason limit us in our enterprises and which constitute a real prison of the soul. In fact, the devil can represent the magnetic force, the ability of man to influence others to be the complete master of his own destiny. Capricorn is a sign that tends to celibacy because it is too reserved and selfish for a married life. Even out of wedlock he will be led to a life as a couple aimed at possession, therefore he will not be able to give tenderness or warmth. Among the people, he will tend to exhibit, as a business card, his wealth (real or presumed) convinced that this business card can help him in front of the people most in sight of him and that he aspires to reach. The ambition to reach social heights is always present in this sign and obeys two strong imperatives: pride and thirst for power. All this focus on the materialistic side of life and being possessive and obsessive is what makes the connection with the Devil’s card very powerful!
How to use the Tarot Card related to Capricorn
You can use the devil card as a reminder of the kind of energy you should learn to handle to make the most of your life and to change for the better. If you tend to be too obsessive and too concerned about the materialistic part of your existence you can use this card as a reminder that you need to break free from the chains that might hold your best version of yourself back!
If you want to gain clarity about an issue you’re dealing with or are troubled by and you’re looking for some guidance, you should consider a professional tarot reading.
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