Are you curious to know when you are going to meet your soulmate? Maybe this is new to you but there are different divination tools that can help you to know more about this special meeting you are waiting for. Let’s learn more about it with this article.
The link between dice and destiny has a very ancient origin.
Precursors of dice made of bone already existed thousands of years ago. They were used exclusively for gambling and also for predictions for the future.
Some of the earliest dice, used by the Greeks and Romans, were made from the cubic bones of sheep’s phalanges, and were called ASTRAGAL. The marks on their faces, which were not always points, had predetermined values for play and prediction. For centuries, knucklebones were used in conjunction with cubic dice similar to those of today, in which the sum of the points on opposite faces always gives seven. These came into use around 1400 BC.
Other dice already existed in Egypt in 3500 BC. It is not known how they were used for divination, but it is certain that they were used for gambling. Excavations carried out in Egyptian tombs have brought to light lead-loaded dice, intended specifically for cheating. Over the centuries, various methods have been invented for predicting the future with dice. No special skill is required, and the dice can be used at home. If you want to know when you are going to meet your soulmate, this is a great way to have an indication about the numbers and the exact date.
Crystal ball
The crystal ball is used to derive visions. Those who use it say they see images and symbols forming inside it that allow them to understand what will happen in the future, but also what has happened in the past. Other times, however, neither the past nor the future are seen but simple symbols are obtained to be interpreted in order to arrive at a key message. There are still those who use this divination tool to speak with deceased people, or with supernatural entities. If you have seen movies or books where a crystal ball appeared in the narrative at some point, you will have realized that in addition to looking at it to receive visions, many mediums could also touch it with their fingertips.
The connection can also take place in this way and the person sees the images within himself. Today the visions obtained from the spheres are little associated with clairvoyance and more instead with images coming from the subconscious. The ideas and images that we are going to analyze therefore come exclusively from us, probably because during the practice we fall into a light state of trance that favors these visions. Mediums and psychics read the crystal ball and, if they are professional, they can tell you when you are going to meet your soulmate.
The Book of Answers
If you want to know if you are going to meet your soulmate soon or if it might take some time, you can ask the question, “When am I going to meet my soulmate?” to The Book of Answers. This is a divinatory book created by Carol Bolt and it’s very easy to use. You just need to keep the book closed between your hands and focus on the question. Then you have to pass your hand on the pages and open the book when you feel it is the right time. On the page you are going to see an answer, that’s the answer the book has for you about when you are going to meet your soulmate.
As you might already know at this point what tarot cards are, let’s see how they can help you know when you are going to meet your soulmate. If you want to learn more about tarot, check my learn section where you can find amazing articles and guides to help you dive into the incredible world of tarot in an easy and practical way! Even if tarot cards cannot tell you the exact date when you are going to meet your soulmate, and it’s not the best question to ask the cards, there is a chance that, if some patterns show up over and over again, the cards want you to focus on a specific time or date. How does this work? For example, if you ask the question, “When am I going to meet my soulmate?” the cards will tell you for sure some in-depth scenarios like who your soulmate is and if this is something that will happen soon or take a while to manifest. But there is more.
Sometimes cards want to send you a message and, if it’s written in the stars that you are going to meet your soulmate on a specific date, well, tarot will give you hints to let you know that. Each card has a number on it and if some numbers keep showing up during a reading, this can be a sign that’s the date or the number you should keep an eye on as something can happen around that time!
Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe you already know your soulmate, maybe he/she is near you, maybe you are too busy looking for this person far away rather than looking at those who are around you? Maybe you are a bit confused over some feelings you have for a friend, maybe you think there is no hope for you. Well, tarot cards can totally help you to answer the question, “when am I going to meet my soulmate?” but they can also give you incredible answers about your love life in general.
Tarot cards as a special guidance to unveil your future love life
A large majority of people go to tarot because they need to confirm something. They need a mystical approval, a verification of whether they are on the right track or not. They already know that there is something that leads them to a situation where they must make a decision. Few are surprised when an answer arises in the test, because they already know the situation themselves and are focused on it. That is, suppose it is a suspicion, or an opportunity, what to do? This or that? And the spread gives you an interpretation that helps you decide. The arcana favor you taking advantage of opportunities, avoiding mistakes, and dispelling doubts in work, love, relationships, family, business, or money, and even in health and spirituality. But above all, it helps you to assume the changes.
The Tarot cards reflect archetypes and situations typical of existence; they tell a story that is like a mirror in which the client sees his own life, his own knowledge. Many of them remain in our subconscious, lethargic, asleep because we do not need them in our daily lives. Until a threat or instinct arises that makes you wake up, but many times you don’t know how to use it. These are resources and information that are waiting to be activated when needed and tarot cards are an ideal trigger. That is why, at the end of the run, decision-making arises, you make the changes or you simply understand better what is happening to you. Tarot unlocks your thoughts and emotions because that knowledge awakens you and fills you with confidence. It is a practice that stimulates the wisdom and intuition necessary to live and survive. It reconnects you with your inner being, with your dreams and motivations.
Also read:
How to see the future in your dreams [methods that can help]
How To Dream Of Your Soulmate? (8 Clues)
That is why it is so related to spirituality because you internalize your strengths and weaknesses, you gain confidence, you know yourself better and you recognize how you relate to others. It is worth clarifying that reading tarot is not like reading a book. Nothing is written on the figures that says something directly about you. Additionally, none of its figures or arcana reveal anything textually, but they need to be interpreted. That’s the reason why you should rely on a professional tarot reader who can give you a great, in-depth overview about the situation and who can interpret each message the cards have in store for you to help you use these tips to finally live a better, happier life and meet your true soulmate.
Do you want to know more about your love life, when you are going to meet your soulmate, and more?
Order a tarot reading and give tarot cards the chance to surprise you by opening the doors of your intuition!