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Tarot Spreads For Self-Love (4 Best Ones)

Tarot Spreads For Self-Love featured

If you are questioning yourself and your life lately and you start feeling not in tune with yourself, like you are living your life without keeping your relationship with yourself on a higher note, tarot spreads for self-love are what you need to work on yourself. Knowing yourself is the most important thing of all, and loving yourself first is a mandatory step to then try to love others and share your energy and your feelings with someone else important to you. Self-love, especially nowadays, is not so easy to practice as society and modern times are all about comparisons, negativity, and different factors that generate limiting beliefs undermining the love and respect towards yourself. Focusing on self-love is not selfish, it is actually a way to become aware of who you are as a person, what your soul needs to get in tune with your actions to finally live a life that truly matters for you and that makes you feel absolutely amazing about yourself and the amazing journey called life.

Best tarot spreads for self-love

4 qualities tarot spread for self-love

This easy spread is great to focus on your top 4 qualities, those qualities you need to acknowledge and unveil to live your best life. If you know what your top 4 qualities are, you are going to focus and work on them to give yourself the value and the recognition you deserve. This spread is basically an empowered pick-a-card spread; simply ask the question and then draw 4 cards. Each card is a quality you have that you need to focus on and embrace.

5-card alignment spread for self-love

Are you aligned with your true self? Are you being honest with yourself? Are you respecting and honoring who you are? These are the questions that will be answered with this spread for self-love. Sometimes you know something is quite off in your life, maybe you feel like something is missing, but you might not know what this is. This spread is the right one for you. This is a beginner-friendly spread. Nothing too complex and fancy, simply 5 guiding cards that will show you the way to align yourself.

10-card tarot spread for self-love and awareness

If you want to know if you are living your life right, if you are faithful to yourself and ready to embrace who you truly are, and if you are taking mindful steps into the life you’ve always wanted and designed to be happy, this is the spread you need to try. This is spread a bit more complex than the classic ones but still very easy to consult.

How to choose the right self-love tarot spread

If you are new to tarot cards but you want to get started with some self-love spreads, you can use the ones I listed above as they have a gradual difficulty and they are great for you to learn all you need to know about your true self, from acknowledging who you truly are to taking action and starting to take steps to embrace yourself on a whole new level.

Also read: Tarot Spread For Love (3 Best Ones)

How to use tarot spread for self-love

Get to know yourself a little bit better

Often we are called to focus on others: what does your partner want? What does your family expect from you? What does your boss want you to do to get that promotion? And so on. But what do you want? What’s your true value, what are the best parts of yourself that you are not acknowledging and embracing enough to live a great life? Tarot spreads for self-love can help you know who you are and what you want so you can bring those things alive to rule your life in the name of awareness, respect, and your own expectations.

Help yourself be more confident

If you are not appreciating yourself as you should, you might start losing your confidence and the result is that you don’t dare for more, don’t challenge yourself to improve and to have a better life so you are struggling in both your intimate and social relationships. Plus, if you don’t believe in yourself, you most likely are going to live your life from a place of discomfort and sadness. With the guidance of tarot spreads for self-love, you will have on display an insight into your best qualities and who you truly are so you can acknowledge them and embrace them.

Help yourself love others even more

A great relationship with yourself can help you see everything in perspective and start to open yourself to others, putting yourself as the number one priority in a relationship. No, it’s not selfish, it’s the best way you have to avoid toxic relationships. Yes, you can work on someone else’s happiness but yours should be first, because if you are not happy you cannot make someone else happy! Find your happiness within and then you will be ready to share it with others!

If you love tarot but you are not comfortable with doing a tarot reading yourself, I can help you with one of my professional readings!