Do you have an oracle card deck and you don’t know how to store it? This is the right article for you! I am going to explain how to store your oracle cards, why it is so important to store them properly, and I will give you some extra tips on how to close your oracle card reading the right way! Let’s begin.
How to store your oracle cards
You can store your oracle cards in many different ways. You can leave them in their box (if they have one), you can put them in a small bag, a witchy bag made of fabric, or you can create a little sacred place for them like a wood or a paper box. This is totally up to you! You know what’s best! For example, I bought a deck a while ago and it came with its own box, but I have to tell you, that box didn’t seem like the right fit for my cards. I don’t know why but I got some very bad vibes from it and I felt like my cards were a bit “stressed” in there. So, I decided to put them in a small satchel I had, and you know what? It was the best thing to do for my oracle cards! In other cases, I left the oracle cards in their original box as I did for the Starseed Oracle deck; its box is gorgeous, and its structure is unique and designed to let the cards’ energy roll and flow properly! That box is great to place your cards on display too in different spreads.
Besides that, I often place some crystals on the box or on the small bag where I choose to store my oracle cards. I feel like this is the best way to protect them from negativity and to let them stay properly energized and ready for my next readings! You can definitely follow your intuition on this one. If you have a special amulet or a talisman that you want to add to your oracle card deck, you can totally go for it!
Why it is very important to store your oracle cards properly
Storing your oracle cards is very important as it’s like giving your oracle cards a home, a sacred place to rest while recharging and getting ready for more time together, for more readings and more connection with your intuition. Some readers love to keep their deck around, some of them love to keep it away from other’s view. I have to admit that I don’t love letting others seeing and maybe even touching my oracle cards as I believe that they could divert my own energy and let their energies and vibes attach to my magical items, so I try to avoid that. I keep the cards of the day in plain sight if I don’t have someone coming over and it’s only me and my family around the house. As I said, follow your instinct when it comes to feeling if the place you decide to store your oracle cards is the right one!
Also read: How to Cleanse Your Oracle Cards? (Why You Should Do It)
Where should you place them?
After you choose the best way to store your oracle cards, it’s time to think about the perfect place to keep them. You can put them on your altar if you feel like it, or you can even put them under your bed. This is your call as long as it’s a place that gives you peaceful, calm, and relaxing vibes.
How to close a reading
Before storing your oracles cards, is there something we can do to let them rest and recharge properly? Absolutely! I love to give thanks to my cards and I even chant a few words out loud to let them know I cherish their messages and I am ready to use their energy to follow their suggestions and guidance. I do it like this, and feel free to do the same if you like what you read:
I place the cards I picked during a reading on my heart and say, “Thank you. I am open to receive your guidance, I am open to follow your guidance, I am ready to let your show me the way.”
Then I put my deck in its special place and that’s it!
This final part is wonderful to create a deeper connection with oracle cards and to truly respect their work. I do this for every reading and I feel my connection with my decks getting even stronger! I found this last part as important as visualization right before asking the cards the questions. It’s like saying hello and goodbye to some dear friends after spending some time together in the name of awareness, listening, and openness.
Are you into divination but not enough to do a reading for yourself? Don’t forget I can help you with my tarot reading service where I can give you a deep insight into your life, past, present, and future, some guidance to create your dream life, and, together with tarot readings, I will give you a bonus oracle reading for even more guidance and support from the stars and the universe! Don’t miss your chance to unveil the unknown and know what to do to shape and embrace the life of your dreams!