If you want to buy oracle cards, it won’t surprise me if you’re a bit confused by all the incredible options and possibilities you see online! Oracle cards are wonderful divinatory tools and, lately they quickly became such a big deal and a trending topic when it comes to divination but also esotericism and more!
If you would like to buy oracle cards but you don’t know how to choose your deck, this is the right guide you need to read to choose the perfect oracle card deck for you and your practice!
How to choose the right deck of cards for you?
I want to be very honest (as always): for me the ideal thing would be to be able to mix and touch them all. It’s a bit like walking into a shoe shop and trying on the fantastic ones that seem very uncomfortable to you.
Choosing the deck of cards is the first intuitive act that you are called to do in order to get in tune with what strikes you ‘on the skin’ and on the vibrational level. But I will be honest about something else, I know how hard it is to find some shops selling beautiful authentic oracle decks, so I know that buying them online is the best and quickest option!
I bought the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell and designed by Danielle Noel.
To choose my latest oracle cards, I followed these simple steps:
- Think about what kind of cards you want and what kind of path you want to take. For example, the Starseed Oracle deck’s cards are beautiful, colorful, and are motivational. They are so inspiring and with their pastel colors and their dreamy look, they are definitely in tune with my energy and my personal taste!
- Search online for images of oracle cards and save the ones you like the most.
- Wait a few days and let it settle.
- Create your favorites list and find more Instagram photos related to those decks.
- This step is essential for me because seeing the cards in use allows you to hear them and see if there are cards that you really don’t like. It happened to me with a couple of decks and they ended up hidden inside the house.
- After a few days of further reflection, you are ready for the choice. You can narrow down the shortlist or get ready to click two buttons to make the purchase.
In the past I bought some oracle cards, pushed by “Wow! How beautiful”, but I didn’t use them because they required a certain type of study and feeling or because I had chosen too quickly and there were some cards in the deck that I just didn’t like. With oracle cards, this energetic discourse is filtered by the experience of the author who creates the cards, who has a goal, a background, and a project of which the cards are the final manifestation with which you are confronted.
You know when you try on shoes with heels, you get up, you look in the mirror and they give you terrifying ankles and legs and you buy them? But try to think about your legs after five hours in those heels. Are you sure they are the right shoes? The same thing happens with the cards: listening to this feeling is the first step to enter into assonance or dissonance with your future deck of cards.
>Should I buy tarot cards or oracle cards? The right call for you and your practice
Tarot cards are my favorites but, if a person is at the beginning of the spiritual path, oracle cards are certainly easier to read. There are usually even fewer cards to memorize (in case the meaning is not already printed on the individual cards) and their messages are decidedly less cryptic than those of the tarot. In fact, while each card in the tarot deck has a specific meaning that can vary depending on the position on the deck, the oracle cards generally offer advice, affirmations, or something to meditate on or focus on during the day (or in a certain period of time).
In the end, it all depends on what a person wants from his cards. With the tarot, you will get a detailed and strictly personal reading. With the oracles, you will get something more generic, a kind of guide not necessarily linked to the subconscious or to the future.
If you do not have much time to devote to the cards or if you feel intimidated by the tarot, the oracle cards are a more practical and still very valid option. They do not require study and can give you a bit of wisdom at any time.
If, on the other hand, you want to deepen divination and get in touch deeply with your subconscious and you need to know all the details, tarot is the most appropriate choice. I truly think that, if you feel some energy towards oracle cards and you feel like the urge to buy a deck, just go for it! Give oracle cards a try! It means your intuition is driven by their energy and you need to let that tool brighten up and unveil itself! Follow your intuition, follow your instinct, and buy the oracle card deck that makes you feel more in sync with yourself and your practice, without leaving your personal taste behind!
Tarot cards and oracle cards: Can I use them together?
Of course, yes. I have various tarot decks and as many oracle card decks. Depending on the day and what I’m looking for, I choose which one to trust. If you want, you can also combine things by combining an oracle card with a tarot reading to see if there is a dominant theme. Feel free to try and, thanks to your intuition, you will find the perfect solution for you.
If you love oracle cards but you don’t want to fully immerse yourself completely into the magical realm of their messages and meanings, don’t forget that with my tarot readings you can have bonus oracle cards for special guidance for your soul to know what to do to do its magic and live the best life possible!
Magickal Blessings,
Mystic Amber